Changes to the Strictly Broken TCG Website
Here you can find a list of every major change that the Strictly Broken TCG website made during the store's major transition. If you have any questions about any of the changes, you can reach out to us at
Primary Currency Changed to US Dollars
In the past, all purchases in the store were finalized in Canadian dollars.. Since the move to Houston, Texas, we are changing the base currency to US dollars. For all of our Canadian customers, this means you now have to reference the currency converter tool to see approximately what the total will be in your local currency. For US customers, you now do not have to worry about any of this as we are now in your local currency. For international buyers outside of North America, you should not be impacted at all by this change.
Changes to Purchasing Playsets
We made some big changes to our playset section for Weiss Schwarz. For one, playset prices have decreased from the $325 price to $275. For another, we now offer playset prices via an early bird program that grants you an additional $50 discount for reserving the playset early. This makes playsets $225 if ordered during the early bird period! Deadlines for the early bird discount are written in the title of each playset. If the early bird deadline is "To Be Determined" (TBD) It means the early bird deadline is not closed yet. Purchase a playset pre-order today by clicking HERE.
Changes to Shipping and Checkout
There are a few important changes when it comes to shipping on the SBTCG website. Firstly, we've now partnered with USPS and UPS to provide you a variety of custom rates to choose from at checkout. Please select the one that best fits your shipping needs.
Secondly, we will no longer be offering basic letter mail services with a plain white envelope as a shipping option to choose from. Anyone who requests for us to send letter mail will be turned down.
Thirdly, we will continue to offer free tracked shipping to customers in the US and Canada. For US customers, free tracked shipping is offered on any order over $40. For Canadians, you can receive free tracked shipping when you spend $160 or more.
Finally, there is now an option in the shipping section for international buyers that can allow you to hold an item at the Strictly Broken TCG warehouse without needing to pay for shipping. So long as you eventually place an order that pays for shipping, we can have these held orders combined together with your other orders. Please email us or write a note in your order to specify what your plan is for the order. If we do not see one, a customer service representative will reach out to you. Do note, if you do not respond to our emails we will continue to hold these orders indefinitely until we hear back.
D-Series Cardfight! Vanguard!! Moving To Our TCGplayer Store
We are migrating over all our D-Series CFV to our large TCGplayer catalog. This is a quality of life change that simplifies the purchasing process for a lot of our CFV customers who found navigating two separate platforms to be a challenge. Pre-sales for Cardfight! will now also be done via TCGplayer so look out for our store during presale season on sets!
Sponsored Player Discount Code Program Termination
We are discontinuing the sponsored player discount codes.